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Ableton Live tip: using cat sound to create monster roaring sound
We can use some natural sounds to make monster roars. The materials we can use are everywhere, such as the cats in your house. In this tip, the author is ready to complete the sound design of this monster roar with the help of his own meow.
First of all, we need to let Lord Meow produce some deep growls. Lord Meow is called Pablo error! Hyperlink reference is invalid. Pablo didn't like intimacy very much, so I picked it up and hugged and kissed again, then Pablo made an unpleasant grunt.
The author uses the built-in microphone of the iPhone to record, but it is recommended that you use special recording equipment to record, whether it is a Zoom handheld recorder, a gun microphone, or even an entry-level cheap microphone can bring better recording results.
After getting the audio material, the author moves the audio down by 12 semitones. Just add some effects and we can get a very close sound. We do this through Ableton, but you can also use other host software to achieve a similar effect.
Next we will use Ableton's EQ Eight tool. The author cuts off frequencies below 10-15 Hz. This is lower than usual, but for movie sound effects, we may need to leave some subsonic rumble (that is, if you have some unexpected rumble in your environment, you may want to cut the low frequency higher) ). In addition, I also increased the gain around 200Hz to highlight the roaring sound.
Using some saturation effects and overload effects can increase the aggressiveness of the sound. Here I choose to use Ableton's own Drum Buss effect, but in fact any distortion plug-in can achieve this function.
Reverb and delay
The roaring sounds of big monsters usually have reverberations and echoes, so I used “reverb” and “delay” effects with a medium decay time to simulate the sound propagation in the real world. Try to adjust the "Dry / Wet" (Dry / Wet) to about 25%, the Decay Time is 1-3 seconds and 200 ms delay, and the Feedback is set to about 20% reverb effect. Try these parameters and adjust the sound to your liking.
Phaser (phase shifter)
Finally, I use a phase shifter to add some extraordinary features to the sound. Ableton's Phaser effect has its own uniqueness. If it is white, try adjusting the Filter Frequency to about 1 kHz and add some feedback at the top.
After a series of operations, we got this voice:
Audition attachment: LiveAudio 2.wav
Sounds scary?
If you are an Ableton user, you can download the Rack tool provided by the author to try it.