Product Details
CS9 Complete

All CEDAR Studio 9 processes Software license

CEDAR Studio is the latest incarnation of our award-winning CEDAR Studio suite of plug-ins. Derived from the flagship CEDAR Cambridge system, CEDAR Studio allows users to eliminate a wide range of noise problems and provides unsurpassed results quickly and with the minimum of fuss and user intervention.Containing all eleven CEDAR Studio processes, it's the unsurpassed plug-in suite for audio restoration and noise suppression.

Product Details
CEDAR Studio Complete™
Containing all eleven processes from CEDAR Studio DNS™CEDAR Studio Restore™ and CEDAR Studio Retouch™, CEDAR Studio Complete is the most advanced plug-in suite available for noise suppression and audio restoration. It will eliminate your impulsive noise problems - clicks, crackle, and thumps - remove background noise, reduce hiss, and eliminate hums, buzzes, and clipping distortion. It will also allow you to remove individual sounds, correct wrong notes, and much, much more. Finally, to prepare your track for its intended purpose, its unique Adaptive Limiter is ideal for mastering and maximising.

When the audio really matters, audio engineers rely upon CEDAR Studio Complete.